Welcome to All Souls Church

Here we are called to live out the gift of Jesus Christ’s unlimited love that brings transformation and new life to ourselves and to our brothers and sisters, especially those who suffer from poverty, violence, and injustice.

We are connected to each other. We worship, we learn, we pray, we laugh, we cry, we sing, we care for others and ourselves.

Wherever you are on your faith journey, you will find opportunities for education, guidance, and the joy of belonging to and serving in a community of justice and love. Join us for fellowship, faith formation, prayer, services, or simply to tour our church.

Worship Times:

Sundays:  10:00 am  |  Morning Prayer via Facebook
Tuesday:  9:00 pm  |  Compline via Facebook
Thursday: 9:00 pm  |  Compline via Facebook


Sermons and Morning Prayer Videos: 

Live worship can be accessed at: 

Latest Sermon

Welcome to All Souls

Here we are called to live out the gift of Jesus Christ’s unlimited love that brings transformation and new life to ourselves and to our brothers and sisters, especially those who suffer from poverty, violence, and injustice.

We are connected to each other. We worship, we learn, we pray, we laugh, we cry, we sing, we care for others and ourselves.

Wherever you are on your faith journey, you will find opportunities for education, guidance, and the joy of belonging to and serving in a community of justice and love. Join us for fellowship, faith formation, prayer, services, or simply to tour our church.

What To Expect

We are a loving, vibrant Episcopal church in Mechanicsville, VA - just north of Richmond.  At All Souls, everyone is welcome!

We are a community who is welcomes the newcomer, enjoys spending time together - playing, laughing and learning, and works to help those who are struggling in this life.  We believe in a loving, liberating, and life-giving God.  We believe in following the teachings of Jesus Christ, whose life, death, and resurrection saved the world.  We work to see the image of God in all people and to live The Way of Love, as taught by the life Jesus lived. 

If you are looking for a place to explore your relationship with God - to be in community with others who are trying to do the same, you may enjoy the community of All Souls Episcopal.  We worship in the Anglican Tradition, celebrating diversity, inclusiveness, and in the Spirit of fellowship that motivates us to live fully into the people God has uniquely created us to be. 

For Your Kids

Children are welcome at every worship service. Children’s bulletins and crayons are in a cart outside the church entrance and can help your child follow along with the service.

Nursery and Infant Rooms: We offer childcare for infants through four-year olds on Sundays from 7:45 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. The nursery rooms are staffed with caring adults, while the infant caring room offers closed-circuit television that allows you to attend to your child’s needs while watching the service. 

Children's Church: Children aged three through third grade are invited to Children’s Chapel, leaving the church service just prior to the Gospel reading and returning for the Peace. Worship includes singing, a Gospel reading, an age-appropriate sermon, and prayers.

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Headshot image
Katherine Dougherty